Commissions- Sales Representatives

Commissions- Sales Representatives

Track, calculate, and monitor commissions for sales representatives in your organization using Load Manager TMS.

First, create a user profile for each sales representative. (user profiles are free, you can make as many profiles as you need,) Users can have a commission assigned to them, either a percentage or a flat fee per load. When a user is selected as the sales representative for a load, their commission is automatically calculated.

Do you have multiple sales representatives or need to customize their commission for a load? Load Manager can handle that too. For each load, you can enter a manual commission for up to three sales representatives assigned to the load.

Generating commission reports for your sales representatives is easy too.  Or allow your sales representative manage their own reports so they can stay up-to-date on thier preformance.  Choose from the table of contents to learn more about what you can do with commissions.

Setup a user commission

1) In the "User" tab click on the user you wish to set a commssion for.
2) In the user information page enter in the commssion, choosing whether it is a percentage (%) or flat fee ($).  
3) Ckick "Save and Exit"

Go to User Tab Overview for a full look at how to set up a user.  

Assign a sales representative to a load in load screen

1) On the "My Loads" or "All Loads" screen open the load you want to assign a Sales Representative too.  
2) Choose the Sales Representative from the drop down list 
3) Clcik "Save" 

Assign multiple sales representatives to a load in load screen

1) On the "My Loads" or "All Loads" screen open the load you want to assign a Sales Representative too.  
2) Choose the  to add multiple Sales Representatives from the drop down lists 
3) Clcik "Save".

Createcustom commissions for sales representatives for a specific load

1) On the "My Loads" or "All Loads" screen open the load you want to assign a Sales Representative too.  
2) Choose the  to customize the commissions structure for this load only. 
3) Click "Save."

Pre-assign a sales representative to a customer (shipper) in thier profile

You cna pre-assign a sales representative to each customer or shipper in the customer information profile.  When a sales representative is assinged to a customer, that sales representaive will autofill for any load that the customer is assigned.
1) Go the "Customer" tab and choose the customer you wish to use or click "Add New" 
2) Scroll down to where it says "Sales Rep".   Choose the sales representative from the drop down list.
3)  Checkmark "Lock on Loads" to make the sales representative unable to be changed by a user on a load that this customer is assigned to.
4) Click "Save"

Generate a sales commission report

1) Go to "Reports" tab.    
2) Choose "Group By" Sales Reps
3) Choose"Type" Commissions
4) Set your other report criteria
5) Choose "View Report" for a downloadable PDF or select that black enevelope to email the report.

Allow sales representative to pull their sales commisison report

1) Go to "Settings" and choose "User Roles"
2) Select Sales Representative from the drop down list
3) Checkmark the Permission to allow Sales Repss to be view only their sales report

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