Dispatch Report Overview for Dispatch Services

Dispatch Report Overview for Dispatch Services

The Dispatch Report is one of the automatic reports that Load Manager TMS generates when building loads. You will find it on every saved load screen with a carrier with a dispatch fee assigned to it.  Here a sample of what it looks like.

1. The Report Heading will Show the Load Number (first 8 digits) and the Order Date.
2. Below this is placed the company dispatching the load along with whom the load is assigned.
3. Next is Pickup and Drop-off (Delivery) Locations,  This report will show the Company Name, Address, and Phone Number for each location along with instructions for each location. 
4. Under the Pickup location can be listed Commodities, Accessorials, and other information using the Commodities & Accessorials Table located below the Carrier information.  In this example, we recorded that the driver would be picking up tomatoes and lettuce. (See below for  where this Commodities & Accessorials Table is) 

Modification Option:
You can choose to show the Terms & Amount on the Dispatch Report.  To do so please do to Carrier Tab and click on the carrier you want to modify (or click "Add Carrier" for a brand new carrier),  In the Carrier Information page, check "Show Terms & Amount" as seen below:

When this is checked the amount will show at the top of the screen on the dispatch report, as seen below.  

 And it also will show a breakdown of the Total Amount toward the end of the page, like this.:

On the top bottom of the Dispatch Report will show:
1.  Critical Notes to the Driver (found on the Load Screen)
2.  Carrier Notes (founds on the Load Screen)
3. Dispatch Terms & Instructions (Found under SETTINGS >> CONFIGURATION OPTIONS) titled Carrier Notes) 

TIp: The Dispatch Report will only show on loads that have carriers who have a dispatch fee assigned to them. To assign a dispatch fee to a carrier go to the carrier page and put in a dispatch fee percentage for the carrier. Press save.  

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