Driver (Weekly) Pay Report

Driver (Weekly) Pay Report

Here is how to create a report that shows your drivers' pay for the week, month, quarterly, or other time you specify.  Try this report for weekly payroll, quarterly reporting, or as part of a cost analysis.

Go to the Reports Tab >>> Sales to get started:

1. Set your  "Group By and Sort By" settings like this:

2. Next choose your Date Range:

3. Next Choose your Load Status Range and set Type is set to "Sales"

4. Check "Show Report Criteria"
5. Check "Show Profit and Cost"  to include the Driver Total and the Driver Payments in the report
6. Uncheck "Show Summary Only"
7. Select your Driver Range
8. Click View Report to view the report in your browser as a PDF or
9. Click on the black envelope to email the report

Your Report will have two parts.  
1. A page with the driver pay totals for each driver as seen below

2.  The last page shows a total summary with the margin percentage. 

This report is designed so that you can provide your drivers with their pay totals (#1) and have a summary sheet (#2) for office use.  

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