Driver Settlement Report Layout

Driver Settlement Report Layout

This article goes over the layout of the Driver settlement Report.  For our how-to on creating this report go here.

The Driver Settlement Report will always show results grouped by the driver first, beyond this it has two Main Layouts: 
  1. Group by Expense Type (Default) 
  2. Group by Load # 
1.  The Driver Settlement Report will by default group expenses by type:
  1. Pay Load: Driver's Pay for each Load
  2. Reimbursements and Accessorials: Positive Commodities and Accessorials, Payment Advances, and Current Driver Expenses
  3. Deductions: Negative Commodities and Accessorials

2. If you wish Driver Settlement Report to group expenses by load number make sure to check "Group by Load #" before running the report.   Notice that the Accessorials, Reimbursements, and Deductions are all listed by load number instead of by type in this view.  Here is an example of what this looks like:

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