Driver Settlement Report Overview

Driver Settlement Report Overview

Driver Settlement Report:
Use the Driver Settlement Report to pull the Load Pay, Reimbursements and Accessorials, Deductions, and Payment Totals for your drivers.  To use the Driver Settlement Report go to  Reports>>Driver Settlement Report

To Run the Driver Settlement Report you have 5 options:
  1. Select Load Status Pay:  You have the option to choose which load status you want the information for the reports pulled from. For example, if you want to run a driver settlement report only for loads whose status is "Paid", select "Paid" from the drop-down list. If no Status is selected the system will automatically pull the relevant information from all loads in the system from all load statuses.
  2. Mark Settlement Paid: Check "Mark Settlement Paid" when you ready to have the system record the items on the Driver Settlement Report as paid to the driver.  Once the items on the Driver Settlement Report are marked as paid they will no longer show up on any future Driver Settlement Reports.  Keep "Mark Settlement Paid" unchecked if you are running the report for reference and are not ready to mark the items on the report as settled.  If you accidentally check "Mark Settlement Paid" on the last Driver Settlement Report, you can reverse this action by clicking on the "Revert Now" button under the "Revert Previous Settlement" title.  This action will only affect the last Driver Settlement Report ran that had "Mark Settlement Paid" selected, it will not revert any other earlier settlements. 
  3. Paid Date: When "Mark Settlement Paid" is checked, the "Paid Date" option becomes available.   The default "Pay Date" used is today's date if no date is selected.  
  4. Group By Load #: When "Group By Load #" is checked the Driver Settlement Report will be group relevant information by load number stead of type (Load Pay, Reimbursements and Accessorials and Deductions).  Try running the Driver Settlement Report both ways and see which format you prefer.
  5. Page Break After Each Driver?:  When this option is check, a page break will appear after each driver information, so that each driver is on a new page.  This option makes it easy to give a copy of the report to each driver.  Keep it unchecked to save paper when printing or reduce the report's file size.  

What does the Driver Settlement Report Show?
  1. All of the Driver's Loads.
  2.  All Load Commodities and Accessorials
  3. Current Driver Expenses 
For a Look at the Driver Settlement Report Layout go here:

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