How Do I delete Carriers?

How do I delete Carriers?

How do I delete a carrier or make it inactive? 

If you delete a carrier, their data is gone for ever, you have no record that you had considered them, and their record cannot be retrieve.  This can be problematic if you are seeking to delete a carrier because you do not want to do business with them.  By making them inactive, you will be able to see that you had consider them before but had chosen to make them inactive.

An inactive carrier will not show up as an option to be booked to your loads, and they will not be automatically included in your carrier list for emailing loads to be trucked.  Instead they stay in your system for records keeping purposes only, and so that if their name ever comes up again you know you made them inactive in your TMS.  

We highly recommend making carriers inactive instead of deleting them from you system.   

How to make a carrier inactive

1.  To make a carrier inactive,  first go to the "Carrier" section of your TMS.
2.   Click on the carrier you wish to make inactive to open their carrier profile.

3.  In the "Carrier Information" page, change "Status" to "InActive" and click Save.  

How to delete a carrier

You can only delete carriers if this feature is turned on for your user.  Carriers who are assigned to loads cannot never deleted unless they are removed from all current, past and future loads first.
1. To delete a carrier, first go to the "Carrier" section of your TMS.
2.  Click on the carrier you wish to delete to open their carrier profile

3.  Choose delete and confirm.  Note your carrier data will no longer be able to be retrieved and will be completed deleted from your system. 

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