How do you calculate deadhead miles?

How do you calculate deadhead miles?

Load Manager calculates your deadhead miles in 4 ways:
1) Automatically based on a DRIVER/CARRIER assigned to a load
2) Automatically based on an EQUIPMENT assigned to a load
3) Automatically based on a starting address enter in the load screen
4) Override deadhead miles for a load by user manually entering it in


Choose between tracking your Driver/Carriers or Equipment
1) Go to Settings>>Configuration Options  
2) Scroll down to this Option

3) Choose your preferred option
4) Press Save.

1) Automatically based on a DRIVER/CARRIER assigned to a load

Settings requirement: Calculate Deadhead Miles Using Driver

1) Enter a load as normal, assigning your main driver or carrier to the load along with your pickup and delivery dates. 

2) Press Save.
Load Manager automatically calculates the deadhead miles based on the last delivery address of the last dated load in DELIVERED to COMPLETED status trucked by that driver or carrier.  
DELIVERED to COMPLETED  means loads in the following statuses:
Paid Completed 

2) Automatically based on an EQUIPMENT assigned to a load

Settings requirement: Calculate Deadhead Miles Using Equipment

1) Enter a load as normal, assigning your main driver or carrier to the load along with your pickup and delivery dates. For calculation by equipment make sure to select equipment type as well. 

2) Press Save.
Load Manager automatically calculates the deadhead miles based on the last delivery address of the last dated load in DELIVERED to COMPLETED status trucked with the equipment listed.   
DELIVERED to COMPLETED  means loads in the following statuses:
Paid Completed 

3) Automatically based on a starting address enter in the load screen

1) Enter a load as normal, assigning your main driver or carrier to the load along with your pickup and delivery dates.
2) Click on the button shown below to open the deadhead starting address field. 

3) Enter in the address you want the deadhead miles to start calculations with.  Press Calculate. The system will use this address as the starting address and the first pickup address as ending address for calculating the deadhead miles for this load only. 

4) Press Save.

4) Override deadhead miles by user manually entering it in

1) Enter a load as normal, assigning your main driver or carrier to the load.
2) Place your cursor in the field next to where it says "Deadhead Miles" and manually enter in your preferred number for total deadhead miles. 

3) Press Save.
To reverse  manual entry and have the system automatically calculate the miles instead- Click on  refresh button.

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