How to use Load Manager TMS built in CRM feature

How to use Load Manager TMS built in CRM feature

With Load Manager, you have the power of a CRM right at your figure tips in a streamlined and straightforward-to-use layout: 
  1. Track your and your team's calls to/from customers, carriers, and drivers.
  2. Customize tasks and note types for consistent data entry across your TMS.
  3. Assign functions by users and due dates to increase efficiency and accountability.  
  4. Get reminders for calls, emails, and tasks you set up to keep the team on track.
  5. Verify CRM activity with the built-in CRM Log with sortable and searchable fields.  
Did we mention it was easy to set up?  About 5 minutes- Let's get started.  

Customize your CRM Settings & Note Types

Log on to your Load Manager TMS and go to SETTINGS>> CRM CALL NOTES TYPES
This screen will show you all the note types you have entered into your system.  Create as many or as few as you want.  You can name anything you like and create as many or as few as you need.  To add a new note type, click Add New.

Enter a Note Type (or note title), a Description, and a CRM Type (Is this note to be used when calling carriers, customers, or drivers?). 
Click Save & Exit to save and exit back to your previous screen. 

Could you repeat this step for all note types you want to create? 

Your system is ready to use the CRM tab in your Customer and Carrier or Driver profiles! 

Enter Notes on Customer Calls and Interactions

Each customer has a tab labeled CRM where you can enter notes to document or track interactions, such as emails or phone messages, for future reference.  
1) Click on the "Customer" option on the main menu.  
2) Click on the customer name in the customer list to open the customer information page
3) Select the CRM tab to open the CRM page for this customer. (Remember, each customer has their own CRM page!)
4) Click Add Call Notes Type (Hint: the notes can be used to keep track of anything, not just calls.)  
5) Select the Note Type and enter in your notes.  Press Save.  (See prior section for how to set up note types.)

Schedule Callbacks and Customer Tasks

1) Click on the "Customer" option on the main menu.  
2) Click on the customer name in the customer list to open the customer information page
3) Select the CRM tab to open the CRM page for this customer. (Remember, each customer has their own CRM page!)
4) Select the note type, date, and user.  Press Save.  (See prior section for how to set up note types.)

View Assigned Task Callbacks

1) Click on the "Customer" option on the main menu.  
2) Click "CRM Calls" in the submenu to see a list of current CRM scheduled tasks
3) Click "CRM Call HIstory" in the submenu to view past notes. 

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