Header & Menu Bar: Overview

Header & Menu Bar: Overview

Load Manager TMS System is designed to have a Menu Bar and your Company Logo at the top of your screen.  Here is an overview of what you will see:

      1.  Company Logo
At the center top of your screen will appear your company logo. 

To upload your logo go to Settings >> Company Info >> Company Logo >> Choose File

Now your company logo will appear at the top center of your Load Manager TMS platform and various reports. 

      2.  YouTube 
At the upper left of your screen,  you will see a YouTube icon,  Click on the YouTube icon for how-to videos for your Load Manager TMS Platform.  

      3. Menu Bar 
The Menu Bar is designed to help you easily navigate your Load Manager TMS system.  Clicking on each word will take you to a different part of your Load Manager TMS system.  So go ahead and explore all its great features! 

      4. Note Feature, Support Ticket, and Import Function
 To the right of your screen, you will see three buttons: Notes Feature, Support Ticket, and Import Function

Click on the Notes Feature to create a custom note that only you can see.  Think of it as your own personal scratchpad that goes with you through your TMS platform.  Do not forget to click Save.
Click on the Support Ticket icon to 
  1. Send an email related to support or billing  
  2. Let us know your comments, suggestions, and questions
  3. Suggest a new feature or feature modification
  4. Request customization for TMS system
  5. Attach a document or picture file   
We offer 24-hour customer support through our Support Ticket feature.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

Click on the Import Function to upload your CSV file to import your data in bulk. Download the sample csv file to see the required format. 

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