USERS >> Office Overview

USERS >> Office Overview

Office Setup and Function

Offices are used in Load Manager as a tool to group customers, users, loads, etc.  You can use Offices to organize which items Sales Representatives and Dispatchers can see and access from their user logins or to organize or assign loads and customers to different teams in your organization.    Note: customers can be assigned to more than one office or just to one depending on your preference, allowing for greater flexibility.

How to Setup Offices  
Log on to your Load Manager TMS account.

Click on the User tab, then go to the Offices or Add Office sub menu.

Under the Office sub menu you will see a table of your saved offices. Like this: 

As you can see you can create any type of office you want, whether a virtual agent office (Scott) or a real life office (Chicago, Tampa, New York).
To Add a new office click on add new or on the Add Office on the User Tab Submenu.

Fill out the form with the relevant data for you new office.   Click save.  You are all set.  Now you can assign each user to the correct office of your choice in their user profiles, and customers by  their customer profiles.  Loads will automatically be assigned to a office based on the associated customer and user profiles attached to the load.

Ways to Use Offices

If you have different physical offices and want to keep track of personal, customers, and loads by location. 
You have sales representatives including independent agents, and dispatchers which you only want to be able to see certain loads and customer assigned to their office. 
You have virtual teams and would like to track personal, customers, and loads by the team (office) name. 

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