Reports >> 1099

Reports >> 1099

Load Manager offer a reporting feature that is designed to create 1099s for your carriers or drivers. Using the information entered in your TMS this report will generate: 
  1. 1099 forms as a PDF
  2. CSV spreadsheet listing 1099 data
Check with your tax professional, but typically the IRS forms are used as follows:   
Copy A—Goes to the IRS. 
Copy 1—Goes to the state tax agency when required by your state.  
Copy 2 & Copy B—Goes to the 1099 carrier or driver you did business with.
Copy C —Goes to you for your records. 


This features is found under Reports >> 1099.

Before generating your 1099 report, confirm the following data for your carrier or driver is entered correctly in the TMS: 
  1. driver or carrier name
  2. address and contact information
  3. federal tax id
  4. all relevant carrier or driver expenses and amounts are entered

Once you have confirmed your data you are ready to run the 1099 report. 

To add a driver or carrier expense not associate with a specific load use the Driver/Carrier Expense feature.

1099 forms as a PDF

This feature is designed to generate your 1099 forms automatically using the data in your TMS system.  

1) Select the year 
2) Check the form copies needed
3) Press View Report
4) Now you are ready to download the generated the 1099 forms to be submitted to the relevant agencies and carriers. 
Please note that this feature does not submit forms directly to the IRS or other agencies. 

CSV spreadsheet listing 1099 data

This feature is designed to create a spreadsheet with all the 1099 data:
  1. Easily modify the spreadsheet to reflect additional 1099 data not saved in your TMS system. 
  2. Send this spreadsheet to your accountant or tax professional.
  3. Designed for easy import to your preferred tax preparation and submission platform. 
  4. Print as an succinct summary for your records

1) Select the year 
2) Check the form copies needed
3) Press Export
4) CSV file will download to your computer


  1. IRS resource for filling

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