1. Color: Customize the color of this load status as it appears on the My Loads/All Loads screens.
- Click on the colored button to open up the color pallet options
- Select the color you want to use for this load status
- Click Save.
2. Description: You can customize what each status is called in your TMS using this text field. (Please note the status title given for each status (Active, Dispatched, Booked, etc,) as this is used to identify the different load status in how to articles and video helps.)
3. Filter on MY Load Screen: This enables/disables a Status from appearing on the "Show Status Filter" option located in the My Loads/All Loads screen (as pictured below).
- Check the box to enable filtering by this Status. Uncheck to disable filtering by this Status.
- Click Save.
4. Force Next Load Status: When this is option is check, a load status can only be updated to the next load status on the load status list. For Example: if a Load 1001 has a Load Status of "1. Active", a user can change the load status only to "2. Booked". A user would not be able to change to any other load status on the list. This option requires the user to change status in order listed sequential.
- Check the box to enable this feature. Uncheck to disable this feature.
- Click Save.
5. Allowed on Mobile Web App: When this option is enabled, this load status will appear on the Driver Web Mobile App. This will allow a driver to update the load status to this status directly from their phone using the Driver Web Mobile App as seen below: