Your Customer Portal Overview

Your Customer Portal Overview

As part of your Load Manager Platform subscription, you can access our Customer Portal Feature for your customers or shippers.  Our Customer portal enables you to create custom logins for any of your customers or shippers.  With their Customer Portal, your customer can create loads, view their current and past loads, and access key load reports like rate cons for each load - all automatically.

This feature is part of your monthly subscription and is already enabled on your platform.  So, assign your customers their own unique login today and watch the automation happen! 

 Here's how:  

Set Up Your Customer Portal for your Shipper or Customer

Options for your Customer (Shipper) Portal

1)  Go to Settings>> Configuration Options>>Customer Portal
2)  Select your customer portal options:  
  1. Hide Customer Rate- Selecting this option hides the customer rate amount on their portal.   Activating this feature is useful for your customers if they team members login in to the portal to track a load that should not see the price.  
  2. Hide Public Notes- This hides the "Notes-Public" field located in the load screen.  If this option is unchceck, you can use this field for notes to your customer or allow them to include notes when submitting a load for you to truck or broker
  3. Hide Load Stop Intructions: When selected this will hide the instructions for the drivers for each pickup or drop off location.  Keep it uncheck to allow your customer to provide. or view these instructions.  
  4. Allow Add/Copy Loads- Check this  option to provide your customer the ability to automatically submit their new loads for you to truck or broker.  Pair this with your TMS Templates feature to harnass for easy automation for new loads for both your customer and dispatchers.  This can eliminate the need for phone calls or emails that your dispatcher receive for new loads from your customers.  Now they an automatically submit the new load right to your TMS system, decreasing dispatcher mistakes due to misunderstanding or data entry mistakes.    New loads will show as a "EDI" in your TMS, where you have the option to accept or cancel the loads.  Your customer can have full visiblity to see which loads where rejected or accepted and when a load has been dispatched. 
  5. Allow Open Loads- Choose this option if you only want your customer to see an overview of their loads on their "My Loads" list.  If you want them to be able to submit new loads or view additional detals keep this option unchecked.  
  6. Configure Viewable Load Statuses-  Decide which loads your customers can see in their portal by status with this option. 
Here is how you might use Configure Viewable Load Statuses.
Scenario A: Let's say your customer uses their portal to submit new loads to you to truck and to track their loads as they move from pickup to delivery.  But when the load is finished delivery you want to "hide" the load from them as you process your invoicing.  Once the load is completed and invoiced you want thme to be able to see the load for future reference.  
Solution:  Selecting load statuses "Active" through "Delivered" and then also select "Completed", will provide them the visibilty needed while protecting the invoicing process from view.

Scenario B: You customers only use the portal to track their loads.  
Solution: Select the only the statuses "Dispatched" through "Delivered" for this functionality, providing your customers visiblity of their loads only when they are on the move.  

Activate the Customer Portal or your customer or shipper

1) Go to "Customer" tab on the main menu bar.  Select "Payers" and choose the customer you want to provide portal access to.   
2) Choose the "Portal" tab on the Customer Information screen. 
3) Create a Login username and password that your shipper or customer will use to login to access their exclusive portal.  We recommend choose a strong password with a mix of numbers and letters. 
4) Click "Save".

1)  Your company branding is important to us.  If you want to change your company code, please contact Load Manager support team at to start the conversation.
  If you see duplicate customer profiles on your "Payers" list for the same customer please contact us at so we can help you get rid of that double entry.  The Customer Portal is designed to show only the loads assigned to that customer entry, so we want to merge the duplicate customers into one entry so all loads  are in one place.

Invite your customer or shipper to the Customer Portal

1)  "Click on "Send Invite"  to email your customer their new portal access credentials.  The email should include:
  1. Your Company Code 
  2. The Login Name you created for them
  3. The Password you created for them 
  4. The Customer Portal Link see on the page. 
Important:   If you want to check out the customer portal yourself, please be sure to open the "Customer Portal" Link in a incognito, Inprivate or another similar private browsing mode on your computer or choose to open it in a different browser (example: if you are using Chrome, open the customer portal link in Safari or Edge).  Load ManagerTMS is not designed to support multiple logins at once, so taking the step above will ensure that your are not logged out of your current session while still being able to check out the Customer Portal you just set up. 

What your customer or shipper will see when using the portal

You are in control of which Customer Portal features are enable for your customers or shippers.  [Options for your Customer (Shipper) Portal}
  1. Login to their own exclusive customer or shipper portal from their computer or mobile device. 
  2. Submit new loads [labeled EDI] for your company to reveiw and agree to accept
  3.  Edit these submitted loads that are not yet approved [labeled as EDI status] 
  4. View notes from your team about a load or create a note for you team about a load  
  5.  Review select current and past loads right on their portal [ you set system settings for which statuses are viewable]
  6.  View route maps and GPS location information for each loads in real time. 
Below are directions designed for you customer, so they can easily use their portal.  If your customer has a question using their portal, use these directions to step them through it, or copy and paste the directions into an email for them to follow along.  For this seciton the "you" will address your customer or shipper, any tips directed at you will be noted in an additional information box.

Logging into the Customer Portal

To Log in to the customer portal. 
       1. Click on the link provided to you.  The Customer Portal login looks like this. 
      2. Enter in company code, username, and password.  You may be asked to enter in an a Captcha.  If logging in on a trusted device you can click "remember me" to bypass this security feature in the future. 
      3.  Click "Login"

Create a New Load 

     You can create a load by copying a current load.
  1.  Click on the load you wish to copy
  2.  Choose "Copy Load"
  3.  Enter in additional information or modify the load information as needed
  4.  Click "Save" 
  5. The load will now show as "EDI Status" and will be sent to your logistics provider for approval. 

  You can create a load by copying a current template provide for you to use 
  1. Select a template from the load screen to use.  Click on it to open it.
  2. Click "Copy Load"
  3.  Enter in additional information or modify the load information as needed
  4.  Click "Save" 
  5. The load will now show as "EDI Status" and will be sent to your logistics provider for approval. 
  You can create a load by clicking "Add New" 
  1. Select the "Add New" or "Add Load" button to open up a new load form.
  2.  Fill on the Load form with the information you have for that load.  No field is required, and any field can be skipped or left blank.  
  3.  Enter in additional information or modify the load information as needed
  4.  Click "Save" 
  5. The load will now show as "EDI Status" and will be sent to your logistics provider for approval. 
Any New Loads created in the Customer Portal shows in your normal TMS platform as a new load with an EDI status (Electronic Data Interchange).  Here you will have the option to accept this load or make it "Active" status or to reject the load or make it a "Canceled" status.  Once you have select a status, the load become a normal load in your TMS and can be treated as normal.  

Where to put notes from your dispatcher and reads notes they leave you

Sometime you may have a note you want to attach to a specific load, or a dispatcher may have a note they want to leave you. 
1) Click on the Load you wish to see notes for
2) Near the top of the load you will see a field called "Notes-Public".  Here you are able to see any general notes a dispatcher puts in for you for a specific load or template
3) You can also write a note in this space for your dispatcher.  Once your note is written, click "Save" to post. 

If you choose to use this option for your customers or shippers, be sure that your teams knows not to enter in any sensitive information in this section that you do not want your customers or shippers to have access to.  

How to View GPS Tracking Data

1.  From the main screen, select the "Maps" Icon to view a map of the load with GPS pins that show the load progress and trucker details
2.  From the load screen "Click on Google Maps" to see the route map as above, or see the latest GPS location at the top of the screen.

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