Rate Confirmation Explained

Rate Confirmation Layout and Features

Rate Confirmation Settings

The Rate Confirmation is one of the automatic reports that Load Manager TMS generates when building loads. You will find it on every saved load screen.  Look for the button that says "Rate Con" or "Dispatch Report".  We use the term "Dispatch Report" for when a carrier is assigned to a load that has a  dispatch fee assigned to it

Rate Confirmation can be found at "Settings" , "Configuration Options" under the "Dispatch Settings" tab.  Here you will see the main rate confirmation options. 
  1. We have 2 Rate Confirmation formats:  Select the version you want to used and click  "Save". Both version are similar, with slightly differing formats.  For this article's purposes we will be using the most common format.
  2. You can also add a "last page" that will show at the end of every rate confirmation PDF.  This is great way to advertise your services or provided specialized forms the driver may need for your loads. 
  3.  In the "Carrier terms" , you will see the main terms and conditions that will appear at the end of the Rate Confirmation,  As a standard text box, this can be modified at will. Or copy and paste your own origional terms as best meets your needs. 
  4. You canalso preview your the rate con right on the "Dispatch Services" page by clicking the "Preveiw" button  

Where to find the Rate Confirmation for a Load

To access this report go the the Load Screen of the Load you wish to use and select the Rate Con button.

Rate Confirmation Report Format

The Heading and the Body of the Rate Con look like this: 

1. The Report Heading will Show the Load Number (first 8 digits) and the Order or Pickup Date (depending on the version you select) and the Load Price.
2. Below this is your Company Information and Logo.  Beside this is the information of the Carrier who is trucking the Load
3. Next is Pickup and Drop-off (Delivery) Locations,  This report will show the Company Name, Address, and Phone Number for each location along with instructions for each location. 
4. Under the Pickup location can be listed Commodities, Accessorials, and other information using the Commodities & Accessorials Table located below the Carrier information.  In this example, we recorded that the driver would be picking up tomatoes and lettuce.  For the commodity to show on the Rate Confirmation, be sure to enter in a Commodity Weight(lbs) or a Driver/Carrier Rate.  

Don't see the Commodity Weight(lb) column check out https://loadmanager.zohodesk.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-do-i-add-wieght-to-a-load 

The End of the Rate Con looks like this: 

On the top bottom of the Rate Confirmation Report will show:

1. Breakdown of the Total Price and Payment Information that is found on the Load Screen in the area shown below:
2.  Critical Notes to the Driver  always highlighted in red found on the Load Screen in the area shown below:

3  Carrier Notes found on the Load Screen in the area shown below:
4. Dispatch Terms & Instructions (called Carrier Terms) 
  1. General Carrier Terms for the Terms and Instruction are found under "Settings" , "Configuration Options" under the "Dispatch Settings" tab.  
  2. Carrier specific Carrier Terms can be found "Carrier Information" page under "Carrier" tab.  To customer your carrier terms for a specific carrier, do this.  Click on the "Carrier" section on the main menu to see a list of your carriers.  Click on the carrier name you wish to create specific carrier terms for,  The specific carrier terms should be written on the Carrier Terms field shown below.   This will override the regular Carrier terms on any rate con that the carrier is assigned to (on the load).

TIp:  When diispatch fee setting is turned on. the rate report will only show as "Rate Confirmation" on loads that have carriers who do not have a dispatch fee assigned to them. If you see this report say "Dispatch Report" it is because there is a Dispatch Fee assigned to the Carrier.  To assign a dispatch fee to a carrier go to the carrier page and put in a dispatch fee percentage for the carrier.  To unassign a dispatch fee to a carrier go to the carrier page and put in 0.00% dispatch fee percentage for the carrier.

How to Send out the Rate Confirmation to a Driver or Carrier

Load Manager provides you four options for sending out your rate confirmation to a carrier.
  1. Mobile Rate Con or Dispatch
  2. Email with Electronic Rate Confirmation 
  3. Email with a PDF only
  4. PDF download and Print

Mobile Rate Con or Dispatch

To send out a Mobile Rate Con (also called Mobile Dispatch): 
  1.  Go to "All Loads" or "My Loads" and choose the load you wish to work with.  (If you are building a new load, choose "Add New" and build a load like normal.  Click "Save".)   
  2. Click on the button "Mobile Rate Con" also labeled "Mobile Dispatch" 
  3. Choose whether to use the "Mobile" or "Web" App.   And confirm your text or email recipient and press send.  This option will provide a mobile version of the load data and carrier terms for the driver to access.
Note this option is not avaliable for those with MacroPoint Integration. 

Email with Electronic Rate Confirmation

  1. Go to "All Loads" or "My Loads" and choose the load you wish to work with.  (If you are building a new load, choose "Add New" and build a load like normal.  Click "Save".)   
  2. Choose the black envelope next to the "Rate Con" or the "Dispatch Report" to pull of the email window. 
  3. In the email window, choose the "Electonic Rate Confirmation". Click "Send".

This will send out a invitation for your Carrier to fill out some basic information about the load, including the driver and truck details.  The carrier then signs the rate confirmation electronically by entering in their name.  The system record this along with the date, time and ip address for a legal electronic signature.  Finally the system will automatically attach the now signed rate confirmation directly to the load.  You can view the signed rate con on the load screen by lcicking on "View/Attach Files" 

Good news! Now, the Rate Confirmation Electronic Signature feature is included with all Load Manager TMS plans at no additional cost! 

Email with PDF only

  1. Go to "All Loads" or "My Loads" and choose the load you wish to work with.  (If you are building a new load, choose "Add New" and build a load like normal.  Click "Save".)   
  2. Choose the black envelope next to the "Rate Con" or the "Dispatch Report" to pull of the email window. 
  3. In the email window, choose the "PDF only". Click "Send".

PDF download and Print

  1. Go to "All Loads" or "My Loads" and choose the load you wish to work with.  (If you are building a new load, choose "Add New" and build a load like normal.  Click "Save".)   
  2. Click on the button that says "Rate Con" or "Dispatch Report" to pull up the PDF described above in this article. 
  3. This opens up the Rate Confirmation which you can download and print.   

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