Associate Training

Associate Training

Below is the curated list designed to assist you in onboarding an associate. this list assumes that the associate will manage most items in the. Tms, except higher admin functions like Billing and Accounting, Personal Onboarding and Quality Control and TMS Settings and Preferences. Please check out the management and admin training guide for these roles. 

Personalize settings and optimized workflows

 Finishing the associates's user setup is the perfect tool for helping your new associate accomplish tasks more easily.   
Go to User Options and Setup to learn how to integrate the user email, and configure their "My Loads" options. 

For the "My Loads" options you can highlight the load statuses you want to show by default on the "My Loads" tab.  This help with easy workflow by only showing loads that matter to your associate.

We also recommend creating a Signature to show on the bottom of emails and connect to any load boards as needed.   

If this user does not have access to Reports tab, but is a dispatcher or sales rep on loads, consider enabling User Permission 1060 which will allow your associate to pull her sales reports so that she can keep track of her numbers.  See here for more on User Permissions  
Build a Load
 To build a load, click on the "My Loads" and choose "Add New".  (Alternative select a "Template" or other load to copy.  Clicking on the load will open the load screen.  Select "Copy Load" to copy this load to create a new load that can be modified for easy creation.) 

Dispatch a Load

Dispatching a load can be sent out by a PDF Rate Confirmation or Dispatch Report or by a Mobile Rate Confirmation or Dispatch Report or by a third party integration like Project 44 or MacroPoint.  

TMS Solutions
Watch: How to send out a Mobile Dispatch to a Driver. This application open using the driver's phone or tablet internet browser.

Integrations Addons

Onboard Carriers

With Load Manager TMS, you can send your carriers an onboading packet right from your TMS where they can download and send it back to you.  You can also attach important documents directly to your carrier's information page for easy reference.  With the Onboard Carrier integration Addon, Load Manager takes Onboarding to the next step by also providing a completely digital, electronoc onboarding experience with an option link for your Social Media page, Email Signature or Website.  

Load Manager TMS

Load Manager TMS with Onboard Carrier

Watch: Cassandra walk you through the Onboard for a Carrier. In this video she also shows you how Carrier Lookout works. 

Load Manager TMS with My Carrier Packet


New customers profiles will automatically be created for each new customer enter in a load.  Customer information  can be view anytime in the "Customer" selection on the main menu or by clicking on the customer name (which is a hyerlink) in a load screen.   Here are some useful tools that can be used to better service your customers and provide them with the options they want:

Resource: Customer Portal

I hope this gets you started if you need more hlep let us know! 
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